Since 2010, Fungo's activity has been focused on music and its relationship with visual arts.
At the same time projects have been presented in several Portuguese and European venues, in the collective has been promoting the work of visual artists. It is also in the website that a podcast series named “The War of the Worlds” has showcased from 2012 to 2015 the work of national and international DJs and producers. Fungo has bimonthly residences in Damas and Lounge, both clubs in Lisbon, where it has presented several music projects.
In 2014 Fungo released for the first time as a record label, specializing in cassette format from 2016 ahead. In 2015 started the biweekly "Fungo Transmission" show on Radio Quântica, an online channel on which Fungo shares music the collective identifies with, as well as explores improvisation by mixing music recorded on tape and live electronic instruments.